
PL Bumblefumble a6


Server Staff
Nov 26, 2012
Bumblefumble - An overcast autumn map that I adopted

A payload map that I adopted from Kube, originally named pl_nectarine, mostly just uploaded this so I can get feedback for it at this juncture, only minor changes so far such as changing the skybox, environmental lighting and surrounding the map with water instead of just cliffs.

Of course, this was Kube's map originally so all the credit for the current layout and concept goes to him

Assets used:
Autumnal pack - Berry
Frontline? I think? - Frontline Team
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L4: Comfortable Member
Jul 21, 2019
gave some thoughts here
hope this helps you!
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Server Staff
Nov 26, 2012
-Fixed Cubemaps
-Removed the small area by spawn with the small health and ammo
-Moved the small health and ammo to accomodate
-Fixed a critical error with the final checkpoint where the cart would explode prematurely, making it impossible for Blu to win

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Server Staff
Nov 26, 2012
DoctorDoomtrain64 updated Bumblefumble with a new update entry:

A Update

-Added a resupply locker to Blu’s first spawn, moved the other one closer to the spawn exits
-Added a flank for Blue in the Small House by point A
-Removed and adjusted some rocks near A
-Opened one of the windows in the Large House, to let in some air
-Gave Red a closer exit to point A, it closes once A is capped
-Fixed the trigger_teleport at Red’s first spawn for when B gets capped
-Added a walkway going from the high ground at B to the upper Red first spawn exit
-Added an additional...

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Katsu! :3

Veteran Cat
Jul 30, 2021
Got inspired to do some hands-on feedback with this. Feedback will be below images.


This rooms feels very large and empty for an opening spawnroom. I think you could shorten up the length, as well as the height a little bit, to make it feel more realistic. Take a look at what Gold Rush does with its first BLU spawn. Also, I don't think the shutter in necessary given the layout of your spawn.

BLU spawn in general feels very aggressively large for how little space you have to play & move around in. The outdoor appearance of the base is good, but the interior has nothing inside it at all to make it, well, full. Shortening the height of the indoors area would help make the base appear more "full," as there'd be less space overall to be "used." The spot with an arrow and question mark are to ask about a possible slanted roof being used? Unsure about it though.

Jumping into these windows is very annoying and could be fixed by having some clipping there. Also, I don't feel that the divider here is needed. It just makes the space more cramped, and it makes getting into the windows themselves even harder.

Slim this up a bit; As-is, the space feels a bit claustrophobic. Maybe add a window in the wall above the line to make the area feel more alive?

Moving the RED point here would give defenders a bit more of a chance to have a good setup at A.

Make it more obvious that you shouldn't be able to stand here. Having a big, solid, prominent feature would convey that well.

Move this ramp forward to around here. Rn it feels *really* far back and it looks janky in relationship to the walls. Also, make it a staircase.


Forgive me for my wording but this is really fucking thin. Widen it up to that 10% texture line on the left, it would make it so much more bearable.

Add a transitional space right here. Right now, there are VERY few routes to get into this buildings, which makes it a super hard choke.

Not entirely sure how to fix this but this room in general is really janky and needs a revamp soon.

Weird choice in-universe to have this area of the building to be entirely blocked off by "storage." Put a door on the flat wall and open the area up a bit if you keep that high ground inside the building.

This underpass is cool but why is there a full ammo kit there? You could just make it a medium.

Single spawn exit makes me cringe very hard but I'd need to play the map for an hour or so to get a real feel for how it plays here.

(running out of steam btw, feedback may be more blunt or simplistic)

Either move house forward or move rock & fence backward, this is another example of having good "Hey you can't move here" boundaries. Big things tell players that better than small things, ex: fences.

This is funny but also not fun to be punished for trying to play the map. I should be allowed to rocket jump here with my own skill and use the height to my advantage.

This is cool but what am I pushing the cart here for? What am I blowing up? Also, NEVER balance with Full Health Kits. Just... no. Make that a medium or something.

That's all I have for right now. Give this map some more love.


Server Staff
Nov 26, 2012
DoctorDoomtrain64 updated Bumblefumble with a new update entry:

Back in the Shack Update

-Removed the starting room in blue’s first spawn, moved the spawn points forward to acommodate and reduce walk time, also lowered the ceiling
-Closed in the area by Blue spawn a little bit
-Clipped some props and the windows in the A house
-Moved the ramp forward in the boiler house, and closed the window, it was getting too cold
-Moved checkpoint A back a bit
-Widened the upper hallway in the A to B transition building
-Added an additional ramp leading to the upper level of the A to B...

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Server Staff
Nov 26, 2012
DoctorDoomtrain64 updated Bumblefumble with a new update entry:

Bee update

Changed the skybox of the map to sky_bluevalley_02
Adjusted the env lighting to accommodate the skybox change
Adjusted lighting around the map to accommodate the darker env light
Minor lighting changes in Blu 1st spawn
Made rafters in Blu 1st spawn accessible, for funsies
Sealed open part of roof in A - B building
Shortened Blu respawn time slightly once A is capped
Added more forward spawn points for Blu once A is capped
Added a prop jump to the cliffside to allow a way back up to main...

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Katsu! :3

Veteran Cat
Jul 30, 2021

map feels very dark, regardless of where I go. Sky is unnaturally dark for the colours it is portraying, too


Server Staff
Nov 26, 2012
DoctorDoomtrain64 updated Bumblefumble with a new update entry:

Shrinking Down the B's

-Shrunk down most of the area around B
-Changed Red's initial and second spawns as a result, adding a new spawn building for Red's initial spawn and making Blu's final spawn building a joint spawn that Red occupies when A is capped but before B is capped
-Adjusted some buildings and routes around B to accommodate the changes
-Adjusted/added some health and ammopacks

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