All Decompiled TF2 Maps


L1: Registered
Nov 3, 2021
The stickied Valve Maps(Decompiled) post hasn't been updated in a while, so I thought I'd re-decompile the latest maps.
Everything here was made possible with BSPSource; can't thank the developers of the app enough.
I also decided to do this since the original for some reason didn't have any overlays..?

Download all of the maps here:

All Map Files (Compressed)

Any problems? Try referring to the logs from BSPSource:

Error Logs

Common issues

There's error models and white or checkered textures everywhere!
The models and textures were most likely packed in with the .BSP; which BSPSource can't extract, unfortunately. The only solution is to find the original model pack, or ask the creator(s) of the map.

The map is laggy
That's, unfortunately, the affect of a fully completed map. You can probably minimize some of the lag with visgroups.


L1: Registered
Feb 2, 2023
just wanted to say ya can take assets from the bps, not using BSPSource, tho you can take em out seperatly


May 12, 2013
just wanted to say ya can take assets from the bps, not using BSPSource, tho you can take em out seperatly
Distributing and using these assets may not be legal. They were created by other TF2 players, and you need their permission to both have them and use them.