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koth_72_tower a1

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koth_72_tower a1

30 minutes map

A 30 minutes map? What? you had 72 hours!!

DAY 0:
My idea for the 72hr jam was to make a map located in a ship, a huge completely explorable ship, where you planted bombs around, that sounds fun, uh? After 24 hours of mapping i realized that the water part (which was super important to the gameplay) was completely glitched and impossible to fix.

DAY 1.5:
After trying to figure out what was going on with the water and trying every possible solution, nothing worked, to this day the problem remains unknown (Source™), i decided to start all over again with a smaller map. Shipment from Call of Duty is a fun map, the best in the franchise in my opinion, i remade it in hammer with arena as gamemode, finally something that works!

DAY 2:
Added the map to the bot for testing and while waiting for it to be tested i posted a couple of screenshots in #72hr, i have been almost immediately told that somebody already made Shipment complete with the link. DAMN!
Scrap that map too then.

I have 1 day left and i need to come up with some idea and make it in hammer, plus i had some work to do and other irl stuff, I didn't expect to reach the last day without a map of any kind.

DAY 2.5:
At this point im considering dropping out from the Jam as i have no map and the time is almost over, but i won't give up, i need to think about something.

After some thinking and realizing that there's not enough time to make anything complex i tried a last challenge before dropping out: MAKE A FULLY WORKING MAP FROM SCRATCH IN 30 MINUTES, i definitely had more than 30 minutes, i had some hours in fact, but OR I'm engaging in some sort of challenge OR i drop out, there's the whole rest of the year to be lazy, i had ZERO ideas on what to make, not even the gamemode nor if its possible at all to make a fully functioning map in only 30 minutes, I opened up Hammer and started making something, no planning whatsoever, just do what looks right piece by piece, at the 30 minutes mark i've compiled the map and checked it ingame, and incredibly everything works logic-wise! The layout has the flaws that you can expect from a 30 minutes map but it has A LOT potential in my opinion if fixed or remade in a better way with a normal amount of time, which is exactly what i will do right after the Jam.
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