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htf_idk123 a4

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htf_idk123 a4

hold the flag, random spawns

Hold the flag to win the round, similar to koth but the timer goes down by holding the intel rather than capturing a control point and holding it.
The spawns are random across the map, no spawnrooms.
First release
Last update

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  1. Doing some work on this map after a long time

    After a long time without mapping i did some work on this one, we will see how it plays, i did remove the super chocky blue spawn and did minor adjustments (plus removed the last remaining tree in the playable space since people thought it was...
  2. Plenty of changes

    The entire maze-like indoors area have been scrapped and remade from scratch, it is now much smaller, simpler and with better flow. The overall map flow has been enhanced with new routes. I fixed the spawner in the sewers that wrongly allowed...
  3. a bunch of stuff

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