
Multi Stage Chemplant a14d

I've combined lclplant and chemplant into a beautiful 2-stage A/D butterfly. Dealing with the logic of them separately was getting frustrating.

Hot and New:
  • Some brush animations play between stages to unveil the next if you're lucky enough to be around when they happen.
  • The overall game logic should generally be less annoying and more correct.
  • lclplant B now takes a bit longer to cap.
  • Side route in lclplant A is easier to find now.
  • Cubemaps in lclplant's side of things to match chemplant
  • Compiled in both hdr and ldr this time (sorry)
I started theming the red base. Tried applying some non-dev materials to the map, but they're still very temporary. Added cubemaps.

Clipped on and around traincars and their couplings to make traversing the trainyard easier. Generally made walking around smoother.


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Currently, red has a weird height+sightline combination advantage straight out of spawn over B that's difficult to work with. I added a bit of cover in front that might make it safer to stand on the point and less desirable to hold up back next to the spawn doors.

I added and moved some geometry in the yard outside of B to give Blue some height to stand on since for the most part it's lower than Red's stuff.

I moved and pitched the open window at A down a bit and shrunk the room considerably to make it more difficult to camp while sniping Blue's forward. Assisting this is a larger/longer point A, which provides more shelter to the area underneath.

Hopefully setting up in the window room at A is still useful without encouraging too many Red Snipers to camp.
I've finally added idolon's oft-repeated suggestion of a sniper fort for Blue to fend off some of Red at last.

In addition, health is more difficult for engineers at A.

Additional small tweaks were made in response to general feedback from the test.

Somehow got the sun and sky backwards again and it was really bugging me. Also had some materials I forgot to fix.
Mostly cleaned up feedback from the playtest.

Some staircases and ramps are skinnier. I've added lighting and opened/closed some sightlines. The entire map looks a bit brighter because I flipped it 180 degrees so the sun would match the skybox. Brush detail was added in some areas to draw players' eyes.


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The biggest change is arguably that Blue has a forward spawn that points them in the right direction now.

I completely remade the side/rear entrance to B so that it's an actual route and not just an open space you can walk through.

Finally, I made ammo more plentiful near engineers at A, and changed the way B's cover is laid out.
Remembered this existed; going to try to finish this one and detail it.

Primary difference is the yard outside of B.
It's been a bit more than a year since it's been tested last, so that'll happen before any big changes.
This is a pretty big update from a1. Will dump a full changelog for the past few alphas in the next version.