Jungle Airfield

Jungle Airfield a7e

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Jungle Airfield a7e

A gravel pit style A/D map created for the stack the deck contest

created for the stack the deck contest
gamplay cards:
#5 reds spawn never changes or moves
#7 point B is in a 512x512 room
#8 Gravelpit style with 3 objectives
#15 point A is set in a hangar with airplanes for cover on the point

Detailing cards:
#3 it's raining
#5 a plane with its prop rotating can be heard making engine noises
P53 Enfield
First release
Last update
Attack/Defense CP

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Latest updates

  1. a7e

  2. a7d

    -fixed the void next to blu spawn -added another route from B to B-C connector that bypasses courtyard -widened and adjusted blu's highground on B -added an addition window to B from blu's aforementioned high ground
  3. a7c

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