
screwshack a6c

-decreased capture time from 10 to 9 seconds
-extra bit of cover around point
-a new shutter was added for first exit into the wall flank area
-slightly narrowed the right shutter exit and added a healthpack there
-pack rearrangements
-light out of bounds detailing
-rearranged secondary indoor area
-slightly widened cap area
-fixed overlay and texture bugs
-clipped certain roofs
-added a small ammo pack next to health by rock005
-fixed a leak (it's possible it's been outstanding for multiple versions now and I just didn't notice)
-func_brushed, func_detailed and nodrawed brushes for compile optimization
-detailed the shack among other small visual additions
-connected the two indoor upper floors into one building
-reduced capture time from 12 to 10 seconds
-changed capture point shape and cover
-moved packs
-edited doorway some dimensions
-slightly raised point
-extended roof and upper indoor area to wall
-made hallways by point wider
-edited health packs
-moved around bits of cover around the map
-geometry edits around garage cliff area
(ignore the version on the cover that's a typo)
packs got moved around
new upper area going to roof to help attackers
added cover on point
-edited pack placement
-opened the center shack up and connected the two top walkways
-signage and other minor visual elements
-geometry micro adjustments
-reduced respawn wave time for attackers
-little bit of detail
-ramps for fluid movement
-removed a bad sightline

I think the layout is coming into form. Feel like improving signage and ammo and health pickups. Maybe tweaking the wall area pit one last time but that's it.
-created accessible high ground overlooking the point and flank
-added connectors leading out of the pit
-edited health and ammo pack placement
-made third spawn exit more apparent
-light detailing
-changed map title
-raised spawnroom
-opened up and streamlined wall area
-edited health and ammopack placement
-fixed issues caused by clipping and skybox
-fixed a few asymmetries
-edited signage