
Rotunda Postrelease - Test01

-Finalized new point design
-Better lighting
-replaced mid with a new horrible thing, likely not to stay, but you never know
-plenty of optimization
-added additional route to the upper battlements, added bridge connecting the two
-moved some barriers and covers around, improved (well, worsened) sightlines throughout the map center
-slightly increased Spawn train speeds to improve flank accessibility
-fixed the pseudo leak
-fixed the door
-made mid larger
-fixed some other stuff idk
-cleaned up geometry
-remade skybox
Lots of stuff happened!
-Rhamkin is now part of the team, having already made a wonderful new Team Spawn.
-Added roughly a million areaportals and other optimizations
-Completely redid all the displacements
-Added and fixed tons of clipping
-Replaced mid with a new, temporary design, just to see if this works better. We have more ideas, but haven't really settled on a specific shape yet.
-Simplified the underground area, added new entrance to it from the outside
-Removed route to the high ground from outside - if you want to get there, you'll have to go the long way
-Moved the roof to the Skybox so there's less pop-in issues
-big rocket
-Added more team colors to improve navigation
-Added missing trigger_hurt (oops)
-Added additional structure to the turntable to make attacking it easier
-Added ramp to the sniper balcony
-Improved readability on various areas
-Added control room balcony thing to make engineer life easier
-Improved performance
-Changed spawn location and fixed some sightlines
-Added underground flank
-Removed stupid func_dustmotes that crashed half the server (sorry)
-Moved spawn slightly
-Fixed all kinds of things like lighting, areaportals
-Adjusted turntable and gave it better logic and behavior (thanks Berke, Stack_Man and Burguers!)