VMT Conversion from LightmappedGeneric to VertexLitGeneric

Yo Yo Bobby Joe

L1: Registered
Nov 9, 2021
Hey there. I'm attempting to create an aquarium demo with caustics, and I used overlays for applying them to the brushes and displacements, but I'm going to attempt to use projected decals to apply them to props. The only problem is you need VertexLitGeneric VMTs rather than LightmappedGeneric for props, and I struggle to understand what the properties of VMTs mean.
    "$baseTexture" "water/water_caustics"
    $additive    1
    "$vertexcolor" "1"
    "$vertexalpha" "1"
    "$decal" 1
    "%keywords" "caustics, overlay, water, caustic, refract"
            "animatedtexturevar" "$basetexture"
            "animatedtextureframenumvar" "$frame"
            "animatedtextureframerate" 30

What changes need to be made to this Lightmapped to make it work as a VertexLit?