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CTF three gorges b4

Average Tiddy Goth GF

L1: Registered
Nov 5, 2019

I'm very pleasantly surprised by how well this map's geometry and spacing looks, feels and plays. In terms of design and scale I gotta say; Hat's off for a job well carried out!

I came across 2 slightly noticeable issues however;

1: There is this odd rectangular etheral hole protruding out of the right wall upon exiting towards Last from RED spawn. It isn't completely flush with the wall and you can collide, crouch under and stand on top of it.

2: The water after he cliff-dropby last resets the intelligence but none of the other bodies of water which also have a ~6k dmg trigger reset it, leading to the intel spending a good 45 seconds in an untouchable state. This proves especially problematic at the First cp, any class with sufficient knockback can effectively soft-lock the entire BLU team with minimal (if tactical) effort. Pyro or demo w/ medic seem like absolute nightmare scenarios for this.

That being said; This map is a very pleasant play and definitely has a lot of potential be in the upper echelon. The setting you chose for this also very much speaks to me and offers itself to some creative detailing and decorating.


L3: Member
Feb 28, 2023
thank you, the little blank space has been fixed it supposed to be a sign saying to red that A point is in that direction. and the death water with the ctf has also been fixed


L3: Member
Feb 28, 2023
TheMysteryMan updated three gorges with a new update entry:

finally in beta

  • made the doors for the in between of 1st and 2nd sideways instead of up and down
  • made 1st have a shorter time about 2 less and seconds and 2nd have 2 more seconds
  • added somethings for 2nd so red has a bit more areas to set up
  • added a second container for bridge so it more like a in between building that red could take over
  • for the 1st area for blu the in between now has a wall to block sightlines
  • shortened the flank for 1st to discourage going behind the enemy
  • for...

Read the rest of this update entry...