[SOLVED] Spawn point issues


L1: Registered
Dec 15, 2021
This is my first map and through its creation spawnpoints have worked as intended for both teams however on the latest compile and run they no longer function and both teams spawn underground in the same unknown location. I have tried turning off world models and viewing only entities to spot a stray spawnpoint, nothing. I have checked each spawnpoint to see if a team is assigned and they all seem the same as they were when they were functioning. I don't know where to go from here to fix this. The VMF file is attatched.


  • payload_map.vmf
    851.5 KB · Views: 79


L3: Member
Mar 30, 2021
if your teams spawn underground it's probably because the spawn points are too close to the ground. Move them up 32 units and see if that makes a change.


L1: Registered
Dec 15, 2021
The spawnpoints are off the ground and have teams assigned correctly there doesnt seem to be any issues with the current spawnpoints as far as i can tell
Aug 26, 2016
I opened your map file and found that the top skybox brush was extended to encompasses the entirety of your level, instead of just being a ceiling. This is a problem.


L2: Junior Member
Dec 31, 2015
TL;DR Your map has a long way to go, but that's OK. Learn from your studies and do a test, balance the mind then get some rest.

I've checked out your VMF, and I can already tell that there's a lot of work to do. First off, as Stack had also observed, the top skybox brush was encompassing the entire map, instead of just the top.

Next, the skybox was just that, a box. Now, don't get me wrong, these sorts of skyboxes are useful during prototyping, but as you develop your map, I'd suggest using the skybox brushes around the perimeter of the map for a better seal.

Responding to your primary issue, I'm guessing that your spawn points are too close together. It might be a good idea to spread them out a little bit, so that each player has proper space to spawn.

Other observations include brushes clipping into each other, leaks, and certain world brushes with textures meant for displacements.

I know it's your first map but considering that all maps have issues on the first few compiles, it's okay to make mistakes, but the lesson to be learned here is if at first you don't succeed, experiment a few more times, and you might have something playable.

Still though, I admire your ambition to make your first map with the Payload game mode! Most starter mappers begin with test maps with either no objectives, or with the King of the Hill ruleset.

Keep experimenting, studying the Valve Developer Commentary, and testing map ideas! It doesn't matter if it's genius ways to assemble geometry, undiscovered use of entity logic chains, or gameplay ideas that only YOU could come up with.

One last word of advice, if there's a part of your map that you're stumped on how to fix, some downtime from map making can be helpful. Perhaps one of the more viable options is to sleep on it.

I'm serious, a good night's rest will let your brain combine multiple ideas, from whatever was on your mind before bed, to those that you've been unaware of. And after all that processing in rest mode, I bet you'll have a new plan to test on your new map.


L1: Registered
Dec 15, 2021
Thankyou very much, I've fixed the issue it was due to the skybox, and the map is going much better (still messy tho)