Texture sky_miami creator?

Mar 2, 2018
A bit of a weird "request" but does anyone know who's the creator of the sky_miami skybox texture in rats_tequila_b01? the map was made 9 years ago and the map maker wasn't active for years there's always the possibility that they didn't make that skybox themselves but I can't find anything or anyone whom I can ask for permission to use that texturte.
This is the guy that made the map apparently
If so do you guys know any good skybox texture that depicts a tropical sunset?
How could I make such a skybox myself?
Thanks in advance

I dinne ken

Has currently had enough
Apr 16, 2016
I've done a lot of a lot of sleuthing, going from website to website. After a few red herrings and dead ends such as his personal folio site going to some sort of Japanese football/soccer related gambling site.

After that, I found on one of the websites he made for a sidescrolling tf2 mod was a link to his modDB profile. I thought "ech, another dead end, this profile hasn't been active for over 5 years". But then below I saw his twitter feed, and it was still active!

I've now found out he works for EA making plants vs zombies 2, and is also an indie dev in his spare time.

Here is his twitter profile

You can request the skybox from him from there. It'll probably be quite a weird moment for him, someone asking about his work from 9 years ago and not his current (and quite impressive) stuff.

I dinne ken - private online investigator (it seems)
Last edited:
Mar 2, 2018
I've done a lot of a lot of sleuthing, going from website to website. After a few red herrings and dead ends such as his personal folio site going to some sort of japanese football/soccer related gambling site.

After that, I found on one of the websites he made for a sidescrolling tf2 mod a link to his modDB profile. I thought "ech, another dead end, this profile hasn't been active for over 5 years". But then below I saw his twitter feed, and it was still active!

I've now found out he works for EA making plants vs zombies 2, and is also an indie dev in his spare time.

Here is his twitter profile

You can request the skybox from him from there. It'll probably be quite a weird moment for him, someone asking about his work from 9 years ago and not his current (and quite impressive) stuff.

I dinne ken - private online investigator (it seems)
Haha wow, I've been looking through some of those website too but not deep enough I gues! Thank you! Now I've gotta create a twitter account and ask him, thanks again!