PBO 1 3341b



The Asylum

The Asylum submitted a new resource:

PBO 1 3341b - The first step in a very strange experiment

NEW AND EXCITING! It's pbo_1_3341b_a1!

What in the cherry night in the workhouse fuck is PBO? Or 1_3341b? Which are both very good, if bizarrely phrased, questions. Well, it's Pipeball, but different. It's, shall we say, the first stage of an experiment.

The final product will definitely not look like this, or even play like it. No, this is but a preliminary trial. If this doesn't fly, then no big deal, back to the drawing board. If it does, it's on to stage 2.

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The Asylum

NEW AND EXCITING! It's pbo_1_3341b_a1!

What in the cherry night in the workhouse fuck is PBO? Or 1_3341b? Which are both very good, if bizarrely phrased, questions. Well, it's Pipeball, but different. It's, shall we say, the first stage of an experiment.

Asylum not going detail crazy in pre-alpha? Who are you, and what have you done with Asylum?

That's why it looks so.... basic. If it's good, then I can build on it. If it's crap, well, back to the drawing board.

Like the Indiana Jones movies. Only it's the good ones

And, I am completely willing to spoil this now, this won't be the only "pbo" map. No, once this "1 3341b" has a soundly settled layout, there will be more. This is but a fraction- one little piece of a much larger whole. That's also why it's all in dev textures instead of my ususal super detail crazy alphas. Once the true nature of this insane project is revealed, I promise your minds will be well and truly blown.

Stay tuned.

The Asylum

So stage 1 went alright.... ish. Not really concerned with aesthetics, none of this is likely going to survive the move to the map proper once all the components have been assembled.

The spawnroom I can definitely improve though. I wanted to see how much I could get away with, and it looks like I tried to get away with a little too much

I'll fix some stuff and release an updated version, see how that goes.

The Asylum

The Asylum updated PBO 1 3341b with a new update entry:


Hey! This is SnickerPuffs, and I'm gonna be handling the development of 3341b from now on (or, at least, for the next couple of versions).

  • Recreated the map from scratch
  • The black ball that spawns during a tiebreaker round (during sudden death, or if a game reached 2-2) is now a "lava ball" that ignites players who get too close.
  • The map is now medieval mode

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The Asylum

Once again, PBO 1 3341B is back in my hands. @SnickerPuffs has done an incredible job, and now it's my turn to bend it to be more in line with it's other PBO stage bretheren. Don't miss the US server IMP Tuesday, kids. Once I've gotten a better feel for the map, I'll be getting it ready to be as balaced as can be with the rest of the PBO stages. Don't miss out!
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Mar 3, 2024
So switching off medieval mode wasn't as map breaking as I had thought. Still, it is pretty chokey in places, might have to move some things around in order to get it more stalemate-adverse to be in line with the rest of PBO. Lowering the goal plateaus and adding some bumper geometry could be a good place to start.


Mar 3, 2024
asylum updated PBO 1 3341b with a new update entry:



  • Shortened the goal hole plateau. Now it won't take as much effort to get the ball up there
  • Added a little bumper to the top as well, to help guide the ball into the goal
  • Made the middle lower path flatter so it isn't quite a ball sink
  • Added the omni-glow effect to the ball
  • moved the respawn positions forward a little

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