Next Project!


Feb 26, 2008
I'm not really sure if I've got the authority to try to get this thing going, but I'd like to run it by everyone and this seems the most appropriate area. Collaboration Project: Payload

Interested in taking a break from your current, intensive WIP to do a little bit of design work? Then this project is for you!

The basis of the project is such:
Participants download the very simple vmf, pictured above, from this link:
Collaboration Template

They then create, within the boundaries of the given space, a 1 checkpoint payload map. However, the path of the payload must enter from one of the given entrances/doorways and exit through another.
Requirements: (can be debated/discussed)
1. Dev textures only.
2. You can put in a spawn room if you like. However if you do the cart must either come to a dead end or start off in your minimap.
3. Minimal prop usage. Only what is needed for gameplay.
4. Detail brushwork is suggested, but try not to develop a theme of your own (sorry : /)

Why the lack of polish, you ask?
Well, the aim of this collaboration is to piece several submissions together into a linear and functional Payload map. Depending on number of submissions this could result in one or more payload map possibility. Each submitted vmf will be considered (by the community) for addition to the payload map; those chosen will be put into the same vmf and the ends of the payload paths sealed. Once functional as a map, the mappers involved will take turns handling detail and texturing runs. This is most definitely a complicated step, but given good communication it could run smoothly. Since this would take place in the middle of the summer, more people would be free.

Submission deadline: June 15th

Please provide feedback about the feasibility of such a project. I think it could be a nice little diversion and produce a map with flavors from all of our contributors. So hop aboard, it's not a huge commitment and you might just have fun participating!

If you decide to participate, please include with your post a tiny drawing of where your cart comes in, where it goes out, or where it starts/stops and if you're going to have a spawn room. Thanks!
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Oct 25, 2007
I'd help if Payload didn't give me major attack/defend vibes and basically nerf my favorite class like Dustbowl (scout) :\

Useless post by me, sorry :p


Dec 5, 2007
Sorry, already working on my own pl_ map, I hope to get the first alpha running on colts playground tonight...

Good luck though
Feb 14, 2008
I just thought of something, why not, although it may be a bit complex, have "junction" areas which upon the map spawning have the routes randomly assigned through them. This would allow the maximum possible number of user created maps in one map, and that virtually every round would be different. Sure it would require some serious entity logic (from decompiling Goldrush... I'm just overwhlemed by the complexity), but it would make the map much more of a community effort as it wouldn'tt have to be divided up. Just a thought ;)


L13: Stunning Member
Nov 16, 2007
I really like this idea, I just don't think the map will look good afterwards. If everybody does a part, we will have different styles in the map and that's not a good thing.

HOWEVER. I think I might participate, in the terms of, give me a blocked version and I'll spice it up, that's what I love the most when I map.


L5: Dapper Member
Nov 5, 2007
After you determine the number of unique areas you'll be using, you may want to place limits (per area) on map features like brush count and the like. They can be soft limits, where one area can borrow from another.


Feb 26, 2008
Hrm, I'm not sure how to handle submissions. I'd say add it to the "maps" section for now and link to it on this thread. I may start a separate WIP thread once the submissions begin to roll in/have achieved a consistent level of detail or whatever. This thread would be for suggestions for the entire map while discussion would continue here.


Cake or Death?
Dec 20, 2007
well easy enough "so far" it seems like all those who are having a hand in this are steam chat regulars =)


L3: Member
Nov 21, 2007
How about doing something off the wall, like not having it set in a desert. Wouldnt that be something? If you are going to have all these mappers working on one map, you should combine your skills and make an actual city that is urban, not rural. Or, you could just make it look like the rest of the pl maps and build some caves and have some barns and then it would be "just another pl map" that only 5 servers will have in rotation. I would hate to see alot of you waste your talents on a map that only 5 servers will put in rotation.