Model Laundry machines


The Asylum


I'll be frank, I have no money and will likely continue to not have money for a very long time, but this is a key piece in a very important map to me. If anyone here is willing to do this pro bono, I'd greatly appreciate it.

The Asylum

The terrible brushwork stand ins for them are 124 HU tall, 64 HU wide, and 66 HU long (64 HU for the chassis and 2HU for the doors, but as long as they're reasonably about that general size, it's OK)

Thanks so much for your interest, this is a huge help for me.

Brain Dead

L1: Registered
Sep 1, 2023
Finally done.

Let me know if anything needs to be changed.

If you use the separate door models, the top ones are 62 units up from the bottom ones. You'll have to use the hammer++ pivot thing to rotate them from the hinge.


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