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PD koth_bermuda a3

Conga Lyne

L2: Junior Member
Sep 2, 2017
Took a walk around on the map and have some feedback on the map
I never actually play tested so take it with a bit of salt

1. This courtyard area before the control point is entirely connected with a long sightline, it'd be possible for one team to push into one half the courtyard with a sniper and start pinning down people trying to push from the other side.
It also makes it the whole area blend together, which may not encourage teams to split up well if they can see their buddies going through a door way. "Maybe I should follow them? They seem to know what they're doing"

2. Map was lacking health/ammo patches, these can be found in the editor by looking up "patch" in the material browser and applying them as a decal underneath where the health/ammo pack spawns.
This is important as it lets players know where a collectible will appear if it is currently respawning & allows players to quickly identify what it is.
I recommend using differently coloured patches for health/ammo so players can differentiate.

3. I noticed these "pseudo-stairways", i'm not sure if these were accidental left over brushes or intentional, but I feel they would be better off as dedicated staircases if you intended them to be used that way as they're a bit hard to climb up, I imagine they'd be even harder to use in the heat of combat.t

4. This jump near the rotating staircase was tricky to make without crouch jumping, it doesn't look like it requires it though, maybe giving the player something to bump their height slightly to make the jump smoother would be nice

Also correct me if i'm wrong but I think the water is entirely skybox based?
Which means no funny floating ragdoll when people die.. I have my ragdolls turned off though so couldn't see :(

That said, he map looks fun


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