
PL Highwood b20

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Sample Text
Mar 20, 2016
Connected the lower area to the back of the final point.
Increased blue respawn wave time by 2 seconds.
Decreased red respawn wave time by 2 seconds.
After capturing point C, the respawn wave time increases by 2 seconds for red.
After capturing point C, the respawn wave time decreases by 2 seconds for blue.
Added pickups around the first curve, moved pickup that was around point A.
Increased size of doorway at final Added arrow to the start of the red spawn.
Capping point A will now grant maximum of 3 minutes instead of 4 minutes.
Increased size of the area around point B Slightly increased size of the area around point C.

Read the rest of this update entry...


Sample Text
Mar 20, 2016
Pink a4 changelog
The oneway door is now open until the first point is capped.
Added Medium Health pack under the bridge.
Changed small health pack to medium health pack next to the bridge.
Changed medium health pack in front of point B to small health pack.
Fixed cosmetics origin point lightings.
Fixed respawn time for red after point C is capped.
Blocked sightline under the final point.

Read the rest of this update entry...


Sample Text
Mar 20, 2016
Added a gate after point B. The gate will open 15 seconds after capturing point B.
Added additional spawn point for Red around point B.
Blocked sniper sightline looking straight through the tunnel before point B.
After capturing point A, blue's respawn wave time is now 3 seconds.

Read the rest of this update entry...


L2: Junior Member
Dec 23, 2012
No I totally don't read that :p .

...but seriously I normally don't read updates but in your case I had considering trying your map out on my server. I didn't think it was far enough along yet so I just skimmed the update entry to see what changes occurred.


L1: Registered
Aug 6, 2018
i like the updates but i still have some criticism.

in the photo labeled 1 you'll see what i like to call white house. just because im a stupid american that saw a white building so i must relate it to america. anyways id like to see a balcony meant for red engineer. this should help the spawn area to be a little bit more defendable.

in the photo labeled 2 you should see a boared up window, open this up and it would allow first to be more defendable.

in the photo labeled 3 you should see the stairway leading out of cave, in that corner you should add a large health pack and a small ammo pack and remove the medium health pack thats already in cave.

in the photo labeled 4 you'll see the top of the exit way from cave. while standing on the cart you'll get stuck in the ceiling. fix it pls.

in the photo labeled 5 you'll see the start of the up ramp for the bomb to last. id say start it farther back (about where my crosshair is pointing) so that its not as steep.

in the photo labeled 6 you'll see a wall on the walkway right outside of one of reds spawn doors, replace it with a door way and a ramp leading into the other room. idk why it just made sence at the time.


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Sample Text
Mar 20, 2016
i like the updates but i still have some criticism.
Thanks for your feedback. I will consider some of them. However, I already did consider adding the shortcut at last but I realized that it is likely going to be unnoticed by red team as they come out of the spawn perpendicularly.


L1: Registered
Aug 6, 2018
Thanks for your feedback. I will consider some of them. However, I already did consider adding the shortcut at last but I realized that it is likely going to be unnoticed by red team as they come out of the spawn perpendicularly.
Neat, again good luck i like this map a lot and will continue to test the future ones.