Hammer ERROR!


L1: Registered
Jan 24, 2013
Okay So I got everything to work properly thanks Guys, what I did was made sure the map was not exceeding the maximum brushes(MineCraft blocks in this case).
Installed around 10 Cubemaps

Setting Up Cubemaps:

Saving the Map in Hammer to a .bsp
!Note If Hammer crashes restart!
Also if it isnt responding and seems like its crashing wait it out this process uses around 100% of your CPU(Processor)

Then I used Pakrat to pack the Texture File to the Map:

After that step I copied the .bsp map that was successfully saved and added it to
C:/Program Files/Steam/steamapps/*username*/team fortress 2/tf/maps

Loaded TF2 and used the following to build cubemaps:

After that i took the map that was installed in
C:/Program Files/Steam/steamapps/*username*/team fortress 2/tf/maps/*mapname*

And I placed it in my severs maps folder, now since it was added i restarted the sever and loaded the map! Everything will work if you follow these steps, if it dosent the you have a leak in your map when saving it to a .bsp!

Only one little problem i had which is how do i turn down the brightness?
When you log on to the sever the sun is literally blinding in some spots of the map, like for intense Sandstone is literally blinding lol, can i turn down the sun?
Last edited:
Sep 7, 2012
Yes, you can turn down the sun!

Go to your light_environment and lower the 4th number in the Brightness setting.

Edit: These ninjas...


L1: Registered
Jan 24, 2013
Will that also turn down the reflection?
Cause like i said sandstone is hard to see in the sun cause its so blinding.
But in the shade its fine
Sep 7, 2012
That might be a trait you need to change in the texture itself., but lowering the intensity of your light environment should do the trick.


Half a Lambert is better than one.
Nov 14, 2009
Alternately, your env_tonemap_controller needs to be told to tone down the bloom. Depending on how Sourcecraft is set up, you might not even have one, and the default values are far from ideal. Since Minecraft doesn't even have HDR, you're better off just compiling with it turned off and not worrying about tonemaps.