PL gold_heist_canyon

Oct 6, 2008
Just in case some of you were waiting for an actual update in this thread instead of an edit post type of thing.

I fixed the out of place model so you're good to download the map now - thanks :)


L1: Registered
Jun 26, 2012
The map seemed pretty cool at first, we only played it once then I took it back off the server. The black lights directly next to the track were an annoyance, they were just clutter to get stuck on at one point.

The main issue we had was transitioning to the second stage, the cart was still sitting at the end of the first stage, and wasn't anywhere to be seen in the second stage.

I could noclip back to the first stage, and it was just sitting there. We only tried once.
Oct 6, 2008
Thanks for that information thirty - that's really odd and I haven't seen it do that before - try the RC5a version I just released 2 secs ago.

Plz let me know if it happens again - perhaps the map is transitioning to stage 2 before the cart teleports to the 2nd point start - I may need to speed it up after it caps the last point stage1

The black lights - were they the one's on stage 1 near the shed?

If anyone else found some weird stuff - please left me know - or if you have general improvements on it - thanks
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L1: Registered
Jun 26, 2012
Alright, I tried it a bunch on my local server. Sorry, no luck there.

Here are the things I tried:
rc5 - All addons - Same results, the cart is left behind
rc5a - All addons - Same
rc5a - MetaMod/SouceMod Disabled - Same

Cart left behind:

Tight spots (there is another near the end):

Not being able to run around the cart in some spots was the biggest complaint I seemed to have. We had 8 people on at the most when trying it last time.

Misc visual stuff, if it even matters:
Oct 6, 2008
Thirty - THANKS SO MUCH FOR THIS - you're the first real feedback I got on this and have never see that error happening - I'll see if I can speed up the cart exit to make sure it hits the teleporter faster so the cart goes to the next stage.

I have already removed the black lights as per your suggestion and am redoing the elevator sequence just a bit.
Oct 6, 2008
RC5b - just released

I reworked Stage 1 Pit so you don't die or get stuck in it.

Thirty - I moved the last cap point stg1 and the teleporter closer together - please let me know if you are still having transition problems at the beggining of stg 2. Thanks
Oct 6, 2008
Map updated to RC5c to make some changes at the request of players

- Reworked Stage 1 Blue Spawn at the request of players
- Made all gates see through at the request of players - map took a bad optimization hit on stage one doing this - dropped from 280 fps down to 45-50 (on single player) - most maps are at 42-50 in MP mode - no idea if it stays this way at 32 players and there's only one way to find out.
- Reworked last part of stage 3 to keep blue from just nade spamming red's spawn point
- all doors are now working with the new gate set up.
- lowered the overall entity count to 1444 to remove any change of an over limit edicts crash at 32 players which may have been the reason of RC5b.

just found 1 bug/exploit - fixed it now and running compile - version RC5D out shortly -

The bug fixed and gate key should also now be packed properly into the map
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Oct 6, 2008
It's the little things that drive you crazy in mapping!!

RC5e - will be out later tonight

- the displacements that were causing you to slow down get stuck on the two stairs have been destroyed - they are now a smooth wall so the won't catch onto you anymore
- I double checked those 2 rails and the rock on the hill for invisible walls or other things that would cause you to get stuck - there's nothing there - but as a precaution, I made the tracks and that fence non-solid. I think we can forget them as being a major issue (especially for the rock) I spent another 30 mins just running around that one spot and didn't get stuck - once combat in the area is done we can move along.
- I double checked the doors - re sticking in a couple of them and have the answer - I double checked the flags and had force close on. Force close is now off so no more sticking issues.
- The Key model not showing up - Hmmm. It should have been packed into the map and is a concern - I will check the file structure and the files for the key. PackBSP didn't recognise it in the autoscan - even though it got every other custom feature. I thought that manual adding it in would work but but it didn't seem to accept the manual entry
Oct 6, 2008
Map updated - hopefully this is the last one for quite some time.

Thanks Mangycarface for helping me fix that really weird payload bug!
Oct 6, 2008
RC6 - just released

Thanks for your help with the rollback sections they work great and add in a new dimension into the map.

Map has also been converted over to daytime to make it more stable for 32 player servers.

Won't be able to work on it anymore for a while - getting married next week.

Hope you like this version :)
Oct 6, 2008
map updated mostly cosmetic
Oct 6, 2008
My final RC is now out - let me know if you like it - I see no further changes coming that I know of.

update - based on the feedback received via a showcase request I have made a ton of changes - nothing like a good kick in the gut to help you improve :) - hopefully the final will be out by Friday! :) :)
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Oct 6, 2008
I have just released the final version of goldheist_canyon :)

It's been a LONG road to get from where it was so many ages ago to this point now.

I made a lot of changes based on your feedback after my final_rc submission failure and have tried to make vast improvements in the map - even at this last stage.

I'd like to sincerely THANK everyone here at TF2Maps for assisting me along the way from being a total noob to a seasoned mapper. I have learned so much in terms of design (well ok that's still to be seen) and coding - OMG the coding - could definitely go insane trying to figure this out all by yourself.

I hope after all this, you like THIS version - LOL hahahahaha.

It's the final and there will be no more changes after it :)

Ha that means less questions I ask of YOU! :p
Oct 6, 2008
Well, I redid some of what was a final version since I was never happy with it and some of the gameplay was unbalanced - so here's the newest version :)


  • pl_goldheist_canyon_final_v13.bsp
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  • pl_goldheist_canyon_final_v130009.jpg
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