Forsaken Downpour

CP Forsaken Downpour b2


L2: Junior Member
Feb 21, 2020
How do you always come up with such cool names?

a freakin' knight

L2: Junior Member
Jul 6, 2019
a freakin' knight updated Forsaken Downpour with a new update entry:


- Moved blu's second forward spawn to inside the silo doors, significantly reducing travel time to C
- Made C less open and blocked several sightlines
- Slightly adjusted layout at B
- Slightly reduced scale
- Made A and C brighter
- Fixed silo doors z fighting with the wall after being opened
- Other minor changes

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a freakin' knight

L2: Junior Member
Jul 6, 2019
a freakin' knight updated Forsaken Downpour with a new update entry:


- Adjusted B layout; highlights are less travel time between A and B, easier for blue to take their side of the highground, and redone flank towards red
- Adjusted blu's alt set up area exit at A; Added a prop jump that allows red to reach it, made the gate a one way door so red can't go too far in
- Increased setup time from 60 to 80
- Hid blu's first forward spawn when it's disabled so red stops trying to camp it when they don't even spawn there
- Added a very small amount of texture pass...

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a freakin' knight

L2: Junior Member
Jul 6, 2019
a freakin' knight updated Forsaken Downpour with a new update entry:


  • Made the path to C shorter by removing an unnecessary section
  • Reduced verticality in B
  • Slightly scaled down flank route at C
  • Moved water in B to help pervent fall damage for red when jumping down
  • Adjusted spawning points in blu's second forward spawn
  • Updated to use Stack Man's elevator point prefab fix

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a freakin' knight

L2: Junior Member
Jul 6, 2019
a freakin' knight updated Forsaken Downpour with a new update entry:


  • Removed a rather cluttering sight line blocker at B, and replaced it with another one; This new sightline blocker makes it so that Red cannot watch all of Blu's routes at once from their high ground position. The removal of the former also allows Red to potentially use Blu's flank as a forward hold
  • The left most door in Blu's spawn area is no longer a one way and stays open
  • Reduced Red respawn wave time to 7 from 8, additionally set Red respawn wave time to 6 at C
  • Adjusted...

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L2: Junior Member
Feb 21, 2020


L1: Registered
Apr 15, 2023
Hi! My server gave this map multiple run throughs last night and it was very popular! The strong BLU flanks throughout the map just felt good to use and RED still had plenty of counterplay.

The one piece of feedback I have at this early stage revolves around the down staircase from A to B.

If RED gives up A a little early to set up down here, it's not that's it is necessarily too strong, but it is distinctly "less fun" than the rest of the map, imo. This is the narrowest chokepoint on the map, I believe, and in particular breaking it with an Uber is a weaker strategy than usual since the shape of the stairs is such that RED Pyros can easily launch an opposing Uber into the pit. BLU can meatgrind through here, but what I like about the map so far is that BLU has more interesting choices than usual in how to approach the point, and this area doesn't really allow for that.

a freakin' knight

L2: Junior Member
Jul 6, 2019
Hi! My server gave this map multiple run throughs last night and it was very popular! The strong BLU flanks throughout the map just felt good to use and RED still had plenty of counterplay.

The one piece of feedback I have at this early stage revolves around the down staircase from A to B.

If RED gives up A a little early to set up down here, it's not that's it is necessarily too strong, but it is distinctly "less fun" than the rest of the map, imo. This is the narrowest chokepoint on the map, I believe, and in particular breaking it with an Uber is a weaker strategy than usual since the shape of the stairs is such that RED Pyros can easily launch an opposing Uber into the pit. BLU can meatgrind through here, but what I like about the map so far is that BLU has more interesting choices than usual in how to approach the point, and this area doesn't really allow for that.
Hello! this comment was a pleasant surprise, Thanks a lot for the detailed feedback!
This staircase will most likely be reworked for version a6.

a freakin' knight

L2: Junior Member
Jul 6, 2019
a freakin' knight updated Forsaken Downpour with a new update entry:


  • Moved Blu's first forward spawn; Slightly decreases travel time to B, and is in a position that guides players to B better
  • Mirrored the 180 stair case area, additionally it now has a different route to take on the second floor; helps with pushing against Red if they happen to have set up on the bottom most floor
  • Adjusted Red's B spawn area, Red now has a route to retreat to C when B is capped, instead of essentially being forced to die
  • At A, Replaced a large health pack...

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a freakin' knight

L2: Junior Member
Jul 6, 2019
a freakin' knight updated Forsaken Downpour with a new update entry:


  • Reworked C, the point felt the most disappointing out of the 3. I wish for it to be more grand. Additionally the time it takes to cap is increased from 8 to 12. Red's respawn wave time increased from 6 to 7
  • Added a small route at A which leads to the lowground water area for Blu, making it easier to flank
  • At B, the little stair case highground on Blu's side of the catwalk has been closed off; The area was meant to be mainly used by Blu, and the staircase went upwards to block...

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a freakin' knight

L2: Junior Member
Jul 6, 2019
a freakin' knight updated Forsaken Downpour with a new update entry:


  • Moved Red's spawn at C a bit further back with some layout changes. In return, reduced their respawn wave time from 7 to 6.5. This makes it harder for Blu to watch Red's spawn when capping the point
  • Scaled down the room in front of Blu's second forward spawn
  • At C, near Blu's spawn, moved the the full health an ammo pick ups to be a bit closer to the front line
  • After B is capped, Red's func_respawnroom is disabled, resupply is disabled, shutters will stay open and Blu may...

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L1: Registered
Apr 15, 2023
Noting a bug where upon capping the second point, the horn sound started playing on loop and did not stop.

On the new 3rd point, BLU's left flank felt a smidge weak, and the right flank felt a little easy for RED to hold by comparison, but we might need to play it more before I can have a firm opinion on the matter.