
Flinders a3

Katsu! :3

Veteran Cat
Jul 30, 2021
Bit of feedback time, let's go.

Positive - The overall gimmick of the map, the 2CP idea, is really cool. It's a neat refresh to the typical Ultitrio gameplay loop.
Positive - The spawn areas are really nicely laid out, and I like the addition of the side path that can lead to mid. Can lead to some nice mixups.
Negative - I really dislike that when the 2nd point is capped, the mid becomes locked off. The punishment of the Control Point area harming you is already enough.
Negative - Rotates between the Main and secondary control point are incredibly long, which makes the 2nd control point essentially irrelevant to the actual gameplay of the map other than to stall.
Negative - Mid is really flat and uninteresting, with nothing going on for players to maneuver on/around for cover or dodging.
Negative - The jump pad up to the middle area can be really easily camped and predicted if you understand the walk times of teams.

Currently a 4/10.


L1: Registered
May 6, 2022
Katsu recommended I give this map a look. The following is my first impressions after a good once over. I have not played the map so any theory I present is speculation.

First thing i noticed is that you cannot enter the enemy team's 3rd of the map. I dislike the idea of preventing spawn camping by locking out that section of the map to players. Ideally you deal with spawn camping by giving the camped team a significant advantage (height, health, general positioning, resup lockers, multiple distant exits, etc). If you're worried about flanking, your routes should probably link up to a central point anyways. It's generally bad practice to make routes which can completely bypass the objective.

There's not a lot of interesting geo anywhere on the map. It's all just a bunch of empty spaces with tall walls. There's no height to fight over, no cover to duck behind, nothing. dockport is a map with a similar problem, and any fights that take place on its point tend to be quite boring to play out. Spamming from a distance isn't a fun way to play, but when your map has nothing to fight for, it becomes the optimal way to play.

The idea of a 2nd point is definitely unique and novel, but its execution here is lack luster. The rotation to the point is very long and out of the way. I don't particularly like the idea anyhow, as it feels like a prerequisite to actually pushing the point. I don't want to have to do a laundry list of tasks in order to play the game properly. Defense isn't likely to even care about holding the 2nd point due to how long of a rotation it is, as well as how easy it would be for offense to get in for free, nullifying half the reason it was capped in the first place. As it exists, its sole purpose is to make offense cap it, so they can push through the big doorway and fight on even ground.

If you're deadset on making a map with a secondary point, you could make a smaller area, linked to the point, that doubles how quickly the defending team wins. On cap the point would unlock/turn neutral, and when defense caps it as well, their time goes down by 2 seconds every second.

Another idea would be to have very good positioning locked behind a gate, unless the secondary point is capped, and the points are not owned by the same team. Potentially turning the point neutral, and locked for defense when the main point is capped.

Overall the map is very bland. You need to include more interesting gameplay elements in your design. Don't be afraid to make tighter areas, as it's extremely hard to lock out a team when you only have 1 soldier.