
CP cp_slag_heap_a4 a4


L1: Registered
Nov 24, 2023
ARTHUR PEAKY!!! updated cp_slag_heap_a1 with a new update entry:

A2; went to town to fix most things suggested in the map test comments

-redone displacements on mid
-fixed some z fighting
-made some walls smoother/align with the grid
-shrunk mid
-made spawnroom visaulisers look nice
-packed map to fix missing truck prop
-added some props
-added some player clips where needed
-ajusted some sightlines
-added cover on 2nd points
-improved lighting on mid and other areas

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L1: Registered
Nov 24, 2023
ARTHUR PEAKY!!! updated cp_slag_heap_a2 with a new update entry:

Alpher three

-alot of poeple complained last was difficult to defend. attemped to fix that by entierly rebiulding the last pionts platform. added some cover to it, and made it harder to access

-made mid from a ditch, into a hill.

- alot of poeple also mentioned the map had too many shutter doors. removed those where neccesery, and added cover in thier place.

-fancy shmancy new skybox and lighting

-left shutter door flank on mid shot shrunk

- mid got shrunk

- no more gaps on the bridge

- as an...

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L1: Registered
Nov 24, 2023
ARTHUR PEAKY!!! updated cp_slag_heap_a3 with a new update entry:


biggest upadte yet, with the most changes.
shrunk the second piont area, to allow faster travel times to mid.
added roof on last
redesigned the lobby area
shrunk and redesigned right, and left side flanks leading to 2nd pionts
added resupply lockers in forwards spawns (On a 5cp map?!)
removed almost all shutter doors in gameplay areas, leaving only 2, one on both side.
added abit of detailing here, there and everywhere.
made the ground on last a displacement.
added signage n'...

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