
  1. tomix7

    koth_tomix7_mc16 a1

    This is a map, it was made for the exclusion zone contest.
  2. iGraceTTG

    2Garage A3

    This is my first TF2 map I've ever done, so it's a little bit raw since I did it in 2 days. However, it's playable and you can jump up to the walls near the point.
  3. tomix7

    Namtso A2

    Heavily inpired by lakeside.
  4. youporkchop5

    Skyhigh b1

    This upload is mostly for archival purposes as I created this map in August 2018 and haven't updated it since. However, I really like it and I may come back to finish it one day. On top of Mann Co's most recent 3rd extension to their headquarters, RED and BLU duke it out! They should watch...
  5. tomix7

    Big Foot's Cave rc3

    A simple koth map. It's my first map.
  6. moo

    Viewport Help Needed

    Hello everyone, I am new to Hammer Editor and map-making, and I need some help with this viewport problem I had. So when I opened Hammer Editor and looked through the viewport, I saw a full-screen button at the top and so I clicked it, and now I don't know how to make it smaller again. Does...
  7. Sonoma

    Medieval Trojan s1s2a1a

    BLU tries to push their Trojan horse(equipped with a nuclear bomb) to RED's castle This is the second stage
  8. oliviasocks

    koth_logyard 2

    This is my first map, not really intended for serious play but more of an exercise in developing a map beyond dev textures. This is built off of my personal version of UEAKCrash's tutorial koth map, as that's what I started learning with. The changes that I've made to the structure of the map...
  9. Fluury

    Smalltime RC1a

    PASS Time but small with a bunch of gamemode changes to make the gamemode more fitting for pubs. It's supposed to be an extreme experiment of what would happen if you take the gamemode that is known for it's open world sandbox maps and put it into a rather minimal size. It also houses a large...
  10. The Marxinator

    cp_skyway_seiban_b1 b1

    A linear symmetrical CP map with three points. Each team controls one side objective by default. There is a central objective which must be captured before the opposing team's point may be captured. A skyway extends over the central objective linking the side objectives. Only a door separates...
  11. zythe_

    zythe_mc11 a1

    main concept was the 3 layered tower in the middle, kind of ended up not knowing what to put around it, so you get a box.
  12. Owli

    Gravel Ditch a3a

    ever wanted a map so small you can trimp across it and kill some one respawning?
  13. Dasprucegoose

    Venice a14

    RED and BLU fight over a plaza in a city inspired by Venice, Italy.
  14. nesman

    Small Turbines with Team Colors v1

    I've been needed a small version of the generator01 on Laborde thats in the red variant. I edited the powerhouse version to be just the top half with RED and BLU skins. To Install: Drop the "models" folder into the "tf" folder.
  15. Le Codex

    Stash A4a

    Mann Co. has come around, and has required of the mercs that they deliver the Australium they gathered from all those robots. Will they do it? NO! Of course not! They much prefer to fight over which team is going to have to pay up. And by pay up, they mean killing each other to steal the other...
  16. Mr. Kinch

    koth_courtyard a1

    Hey there. This is my first map that I've made for the game. Looking to get it play-tested right now. Feel like there's a lot of work that needs doing but I just want to make sure I'm targeting the right areas (seeing what works etc.) I've documented the work that has currently gone into the...
  17. HomingPenguins

    arena_oilrig b12

    A small arena map that is set above the ocean on an oilrig. I had help with the layout a bit from a more experienced mapper.
  18. 9

    My first map :) 2020-12-04

    This is my first map, i made it with the sole purpose of being really open and having good sniper sight-lines.
  19. Skylark

    raccoons mc8 a5

    Made for Microcontest #8, map is contained within 4k×4k×2k (except top of trees).
  20. Yelta + 옐다

    arena_megacorp_plaza 1.0

    A teeny tiny map. All info on the images is heavily exaggurated, it really isn't that good. But it's alright. And not as boring as empty 1v1 maps. If I did 1v1s, I'd do it on this map. Because it's mine, to be fair, not because it's the best one, but it is good.