first map

  1. olikat

    Cement A6

    My first map. Please enjoy and leave feedback. RED and BLU must fight over an abandoned construction site in the middle of the dessert. Mann Co. wasted all their resources building the surrounding buildings, and so ran out of supplies for the main site. Capture the site for your team so that...
  2. Novaxy

    Mazie a1

    This is the first map I have made and I'm mostly just trying to get a feel for hammer and map making. It is a simple and small koth map (small because I didn't want to take on too big of a project to start). It is meant to resemble a sort of hedge maze you would find in a massive fantasy...
  3. sorrellion

    koth_hangemhigh A1

    Welcome to Hang 'em High, an absolutely tiny map that serves as my first attempt at map creation and Hammer. This includes the fantastic(ish) features(?) of: like three health packs for each side same number of ammo crates two death pits Played a bit with bots, game flipped back and forth a...
  4. Monotone

    koth_roughtops_a1 [72HR JAM 2020 ENTRY] A1

    This is my first map and (obviously) first 72hr jam entry. Taking on a time constraint( and a short one at that!) with making my first major project was daunting, yet fun. It was a real challenge and I definitely learned a lot from this. I'll be honest, I definitely could have focused more on...
  5. Werwolf73

    Koth junktions a1

    damm i hope this plays well
  6. H1gh0nSt34m

    koth_construction complex a10

    A first map. rotationally symmetrical, twin cranes, a small sewer. and multiple courtyards. Map overview is kinda messed up
  7. Frupcup™

    koth_cragtop B3

    Red and Blu find themselves competing for control of Mount Cragtop's crumbly, particulate gravel! King of the Hill - Cragtop is a competitive-focused KOTH map set in the alpine theme. The map features a half-indoor, half-outdoor style with various types of terrain to battle within. It follows...

    Lampside a1

    Lampside is an arena map with a small water segment with bridges in the middle and two connected towers near it. The map has rocks that can be used for cover and good sniping areas. The map is perfect for anyone mobile to soar through the air.
  9. Deludank

    Darcy A3a

    My first map to be posted, not the first map I made, but still, it's my first good one. This map is based on a station where the Blue and Red teams sell gravel and the like. This map uses The Construction Pack.
  10. NachoBIT


    So, this is my first TF2 map! So, a lot of people said that i should start by grabbing a map and add fix the parts that you don't like a lot. So that's what i did! I looked at servers that only have what's called "Orange Maps" that are just maps with dev textures and they only focus on...
  11. Poiskaïoshin

    green_canyon B1

    My very first map !
  12. diegotheloser

    Timber a4

    Destroy the enemy satellite by cutting down their tree.
  13. Loafy

    Decay A3b

    First map I properly tried to make and got to a playable stage. Hope you enjoy and feel free to leave any complaints in the comments or something.
  14. My Cup Of Tea

    koth_silo A1

    koth_silo_a1, my first attempt at mapping, hopefully this should be an interesting map. It is a basic 3-routes-to-mid koth map which I have made during the 2020 lockdown. I hope I got the balance right but wish for any and all criticism on the map. Jump on the train to get the highground
  15. T

    Making a larger cave map

    I am making a pretty big cave map thats completely underground and I've made 2/3 of the spawns. This is my first map and I'm used to dealing with 3d modeling software because I spend alot of time working in blender. Anyhow I have a few questions. I have modeled the first 3rd of the map in cube...
  16. Piggy

    koth_scrap A2

    My first ever King of the Hill map that actually functions (granted, it is still in early alpha so it doesn't look pretty)! It's a bit rough around the edges and I took a few design risks with this one so I don't exactly promise that it'll be an impressive design. Feel free to critique it...
  17. Pawwier

    Downtown A1.1

    This is my first map, and i hope you will enjoy playing on it, like me when i was creating it. I will try to texture the map, and do some small updates to it :)
  18. The original

    koth_Water_tower 2020-05-23

    a simple koth map with a pump as the centerpiece. this is my first atempt at map making so eny critiques are wanted.
  19. RedTPC

    Crash a2

    Break In is a small KOTH map based around the construction theme? with questionable brushwork...
  20. cooljpeg

    Vineland A1

    A King of the Hill map based in a grove of redwood trees that has become home to a timber-inspired feud between two notorious subsidiaries of TF Industries. With the Capture Point placed atop the stump of a redwood, this map is designed around the idea of (quite literally) fighting an uphill...