72 hour

  1. ʙsi | egn

    Yuri from DDLC wearing The Medic's Cosmetics (TF2Maps Jam Entry) 2018-07-23

    As an aspiring artist and both a DDLC and TF2 fanatic, I decided to make the best of both worlds and dress Yuri up in some of the Medic's clothing! My Reference Images: For all of my reference images of Yuri I used the official wiki and went to the sprites area. It can be found here...
  2. Quartzrog

    koth_windlass a1

    Hello all! This is what I managed to make for the 72 Hour Summer Jam. This is the first map I textured/detailed. Overall I'm fairly happy with the overview, though I feel it's a bit small. With more time put into it, I feel like the look of the map could be improved drastically. I'm not quite...
  3. Croplight

    cp_smokestack v2

    cp_smokestack is an industrial themed 5cp map for the 2017 72 Hour Jam. Resources used: ABS Mappers Resource
  4. ThePrimeMinisterOfAmerica

    pl_piazza 72hr

    Made for the 72 hour jam
  5. ThePrimeMinisterOfAmerica

    pl_piazza 72hr

    Made for the 72 hour jam
  6. bread bird

    Northwoods a2

  7. Teleportato

    Perfect Landing 2017-08-07

    "Aw, now ya don't look like a happy camper." Frontline themed SFM done in blackvoid. Honestly, for the 1st 24 hours I had no idea what I was doing (probably should have planned ahead but whatever). Luckily I had a friend doing a frontline map suggested something involving a bombing run, but...
  8. Shou

    Support classes 2017-08-07

    I tried my best (ง'̀-'́)ง
  9. ISPuddy

    Left 9 Dead 2: The Sacrifice 2017-08-07

    First time submit thing in jam here and my first time using post process effects in sfm yup its look stupid this poster.. is based off left 4 dead 1 the sacrifice poster this one: after 1 hours of photoshop i just see that scout's leg is inside the crate..
  10. samjooma

    cp_distance a1

    A small attack/defend map with just one control point. This map was made for the Summer 2017 72 Hour TF2 Jam.
  11. Alaxe

    The Decision 2017-08-07

    Somethin' I whipped up for the 72 hr jam
  12. Ixy

    The Bonktini 2017-08-07

    I'm not sure why, but I created a Bonktini - a martini based on Bonk. I made it as if the Scout would make it, (i.e. cluelessly), so it's mostly cherry soda, cream soda & vodka (plus some pomegranate martini mix thrown in to get that irradiated red colour). I don't know if I'd recommend this...
  13. Stargazer

    koth_coal 2017-08-07

    This is my first attempt at publishing a map, as well as my entry to the 72 Hour Jam. A koth map with a tunnel, designed as a quarrel over local resources. I definitely had a lot of fun making it, and learned quite a few things along the way. I plan to continue working on this after the Jam...
  14. BigfootBeto

    Mass Production B0

    It's a jump map, but weapon upgrades are required to pass some otherwise impossible jumps. Made for the Summer, 2017 72 hr Jam Designing a jump map was more difficult than I had originally thought. It's b0 because it's an unfinished beta. Consider it a half art-passed proof of concept map. To...
  15. The Siphon

    [SFM] The Final Sandwich 2017-08-07

    The last meat sandwich on earth carves for revenge!
  16. Panckakebro

    Lodge final

    A highly detailed cabin on the side of a mountain. Made by: Rytu : http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198007027895/ Un Seau : http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198106419992/
  17. Ixy

    Polymer Clay Engineer 2017-08-06

    (Photos of the process in the download link.) Jam submission 1/3. I endeavoured to make a polymer clay TF2 merc, despite having zero experience with clay, sculpting, or, you know, any kind of art. (Unless playing with playdough when you were a kid counts, but even then I mostly made snakes.)...
  18. SirGaspALot

    Firefighter Pyro 2017-08-06

    SFM Art I decided to make for 72hr Jam. Enjoy
  19. Bubbles!

    Cp_Bubbles_72 A1

    My first real solid attempt at a good map in like two years (pretty sad I know) This is also my first time entering the 72 hour jam! I would like to playtest this map before the end of the jam, so if anyone reading this has a server and would like to playtest this map on their server PLEASE...
  20. PatrickFox

    How the spy gets his girls. 2017-08-06

    I made this sfm pic for the 72 hr jam! I'm still fairly new soo XD. But anyways hope you guys like! My steam profile for the medal: http://steamcommunity.com/id/PatrickFox