
Yammeplura B5

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Yammeplura B5

Capture the Flag

:intelblue:Capture the Flag version:intelred:
This map I put more effort in then Train.

I plan on making KotH and CP version of this map.

If I ever return to this map I'm gonna make it Invade CTF.
First release
Last update
Capture The Flag

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  1. SmaLLeR mAp

    wow ok so the map is shrunk now so you can sniper :sniper:duel on battlements ;;)))) (im writing this at 2:20 am PST so im tirreddddd)) uhhh the void fog idk what its called thats not supposed to happen and im tooo lazy to fix it koth version...
  2. Improvements

    Made the skybox higher Added the hazard stripes around the capture point And added some cover for one of the spawn exits on each side