
Woods b3c

.Added custom soundscapes
.Increased texture scale of cliffs
.Increased lighting at secondary cave entrance
.Increased presence of 3dsky
.Added a bit more detailing to the hut that overhangs the cliff
.Expanded the cave area to include a new way in. Should make this hold more dynamic to play in
.Added a new exit to the shack spawn to help with getting zombies behind the boathouse
.Added wildlife
.The max timer length used to be limited to 2 minutes. Now it isn't limited at all. The timer's length should now properly accomodate for the amount of zombies present.
.Fixed a light entity being at the incorrect height.
.Increased size of map majorly
.Darkened map and increased fog density
.Added a boathouse to the water
.Altered zombie spawns to allow for less meatgrindy gameplay
.Added obfuscating props like reeds and shrubs into the gameplay area
.Added trees and rocks into gameplay area for cover
.Increased height from bottom of hill to top
.Added cliff to centre of map
.Liberated rooves from overkill clipping