
Tondo B6

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Tondo B6

rotational koth map set in the urban streets of tondo

RED and BLU both occupied the streets of Tondo, within the facade of normal urban buildings contains ominous secrets which are chemical and weapons facility where both team operate in for world domination. countless battles occurs in the dead of night, fighting over the petty town square of Tondo, trying to take over this whole area and to take control the other's facilities

(beta stage its my first map)
Sitrulus Melon
First release
Last update
King of the Hill

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  1. Tondo Beta 6

    A lot has changed so, I'll only list the major changes Layout somewhat remains the same but the things changed are: made the routes going to middle somewhat dynamic and less similar, adding several options to walk capture point layout changed...
  2. Tondo Update (Not an actual new version)

    Haven't made any updates or touched valve hammer in a while because I was busy a lot. and I was still an amateur mapmaker myself (and probably burnout too). but I plan to release the redux redux version of the map in the future and my other wip...
  3. B5E - Experimental

    A rather experimental changes for Tondo changed the capture point layout, adding some cover and some high ground adjustments on elevation of some floors around mid added a jump pad replacing the stacks of crates ramp removed the flank route...