
Tarpit A8

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Tarpit A8

Topple a communications mast on the shores of a vast lake of tar

A payload map, made for the Back to Basics contest. This is going to play terribly and need three remakes in the first 10 alpha versions, but might as well see how it goes.
This was fun to make, especially since I was learning how to do two things: using manifests, and keeping all macro geometry to the 32/64HU grids
Screenshots as of A3:

Custom content used:
Wonderful catlamp, by Asd417
Our lord and savior, by Chin
better metal grate, by Hutty
Tension netting, from the Snowplow pack
Cable, from the construction pack
First release
Last update

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Latest updates

  1. Bapy update

    This update brings: *Moved blu B forward spawn forwards *Added some pickups *Fixed some patches and some clipping *Removed a rock *Changed the way red gets up to their last highground *Probably one or two other tiny things I think this will be...
  2. update

    This update brings: *Made it a bit harder for red to flank blu at B *Added back blu forward spawn after A *Shortened blu respawn times slightly at B *Made some ammo larger Honestly barely anything changed because I'm worried something might go...
  3. Things

    Feedback and response on the second A5 test sucked, I hope people aren't that nasty in the future This (hopefully better) update brings: *Windows should be easier to notice *Added a window route in the opening area *Remade the A structure, added...