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  1. A5

    Changelog: - Moved lower route down by 128 units - Moved B up from that 64 units - Removed side path between A and B, as it made rotating between the two too easy, and made it hard to hold B - Remade spawns and the area around them completely...
  2. a4

    Uhh, I had this update ready a while ago I just kinda forgot about it, but hey, here it is. I don't remember all the changes but here's a few: Lit everything up a bit Changes to the lower point and the surrounding area Minor texture changes...
  3. a3

    Changelog: Last version didn't have clipping! Fixed that in this version However, people liked the lack of clipping in some areas, so I removed the clipping there Expanded the map by 64 units on both sides, for a total of 128 units, in both the...