
Sunshine rc9

Plays well, looks great, and is actually enjoyable in a pub setting, unlike most 5cp maps.
A ton of fun in pubs and in 6v6 with a very unique feel and look. Definitely would recommend playing.
the best 5cp map in 6v6 rotation. hardly any stalemates and every class is useful somewhere.
The coolness of this map has inspired me to make my own 5cp map. What could be a better proof of excellence of your job?
Good map to play on, Tho would really appreciate the same quality and detail there is in mid across the whole map.
It is good
the map has the award of most balanced 5cp map along with 5gorge
I've played this map quite a few times, and I have to say that it's the only 5CP map I find myself really having fun on. Each point feels unique and fun to fight around. Overall, very fun map and one I recommend people play
Wait, you made this map? It is amazing! Good Job.