-stopped a few things from lingering between rounds
-phonebooth now destroys buildings
-clipping improvements
-few lighting changes
-fixed floating car wheels
-fixed pure black car
-changed pickup and drop sounds
-changed phonebooth vanish to be when the timer runs out
-other things too probably
-lighting changes
-more signage around capture points
-changed announcer logic so she's not as spammy
-It's honestly almost creepy
-lowered bridge area
-changed around respawn times
-probably other things too
-lighting changes
-added incoming particle for phonebooth
-increased push when phonebooth lands
-lowered and widened accessible roof by A
-lowered high ground at mid
-adjusted respawn times
-probably other stuff too
-clipping fixes
-updated elevator sign to be more british
-wildlife improvements
-changed phonebooth's glow to use a train watcher instead of tf_glow so that it will always show through walls
-added hints for when a capture zone becomes active
-minor detail changes
-probably some other stuff too
-more detailing
-lighting changes
-fog changes
-3d skybox added
-updated policebox entrance and exit logic and effects to be all fancy like
-fixed that one floating lamp, you know the one
-wildlife optimization
-general optimization