Spycrab's 72 Hour Jam!

Spycrab's 72 Hour Jam! 2019-08-05

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Spycrab's 72 Hour Jam! 2019-08-05

My art entry for the 72 Hour Jam 2019.

Spycrab is all ready to sell his special 72 Hour Jam!
Warning: May or may not contain sharp objects.

Back in my first jam entry in 2016, I challenged myself to create an art entry using only my phone. It looked horrible despite the effort I poured into it. So this time I decided to spice it up and do the whole thing entirely by mouse - and in Paint!

This masterpiece was made entirely in Paint and took me roughly an hour and a half. Most of my effort went into removing those annoying white lines the fill tool leaves behind! Since there are no layers, it took a lot longer to colour than I had thought...
The Chump
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