Сold city

Сold city A7

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First release
Last update
King of the Hill

Latest updates

  1. Changed middle section and respawns

    -completly reworked middle section --removed train, replaced with 2 buildings --added new paths along control point and added medium healthkit there --removed watchbox, replaced with radio tower and added small building near --merge postion...
  2. Changed middle section and side sections

    -cut way in watchbox -added building near first train -moved small healthkit closer to balcony (the farest to contorl point) -added covers in 1,2 areas and between their connector -increased high of skybox -added some textures and details -some...
  3. Changed control point and other minor stuff

    -added platform on control point -increaced carpture area -removed opening doors on control point -removed satellite on the middle train -blocked ways under some stairs -added some textures and details