
screwshack a6

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screwshack a6

propeller lookin

Trying to make a fun unique koth map

Taking inspiration from og release maps like dustbowl goldrush. I wasn't playing the game during that era but I'm trying my best to bring that general vibe.
First release
Last update
King of the Hill

More downloads from Typeracer

Latest updates

  1. a6

    -edited pack placement -opened the center shack up and connected the two top walkways -signage and other minor visual elements -geometry micro adjustments
  2. a5d

    -reduced respawn wave time for attackers -little bit of detail -ramps for fluid movement -removed a bad sightline I think the layout is coming into form. Feel like improving signage and ammo and health pickups. Maybe tweaking the wall area pit...
  3. a5c

    -created accessible high ground overlooking the point and flank -added connectors leading out of the pit -edited health and ammo pack placement -made third spawn exit more apparent -light detailing