
scale a6

- Elevated the floor below the jack's spawn
- A roof near spawn is now walkable and lowered
- Added a jump pad that leads to a roof
- Moved the throw-in goal farther

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- Lowered some parts on mid
- Added detail sprites
- Added small red/blue lights on the run-in goal
- Merged the two spawn rooms into one
- Added a wall in front of the defender's spawn door
- Added more props
- Moved the wagon
- The jack can now use the jump pads
- Lit up mid
- Extended a wall on mid
- Changed the medium ammo pack near the run-in goal into a full ammo pack
- Changed the medium ammo pack near mid into a small ammo pack
- Other stuff

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- Made mid higher
- Added more props
- Extended the map a little
- Made the deck on mid have a little more space
- Textured the jump pad near spawn
- Once the bonus goal is enabled, the jump pad near spawn will have an outline
- Added a ramp near the bonus goal
- Added a medium health kit underneath the platform near the bonus goal
- Made the wall/fence props playerclipped

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