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Rocksalt v7

Infiltrate Red's quarry and disrupt their autonomous gravel manufacturing.

Rocks. The building blocks of a civilized society. Without rocks you can't make concrete. And without concrete you can't make buildings. At least not a building worth being in.

A quarry has been located that serves as Red's primary source of gravel for concrete mixing. A mostly autonomous facility primarily run by droid labor, the lack of a human presence should make it an easy target. With a forward base set up all that's needed is a well positioned payload pushed along Red's rail lines, and their construction capabilities will be immediately halted.

Our sources have indicated traces of Australium on site as well. It appears that due to an over specificity in the droids programming only requiring them to collect stone, they've begun hoarding bits inside of their private quarters. Once the mission is complete the droids can be retired and the full source of Australium can be extracted.
First release
Last update

Latest updates

  1. Rocksalt V7

    V7 -Fixed multiple displacement seams -Fixed solid spider webs inside of Point C mine tunnel -Player clip improvements -Other minor fixes and detailing tweaks
  2. Rocksalt V6

    V6 -Adjusted B upper doorway to block sniper sightline to the upper entrance from A -Adjusted cover in B to reduce sniper sightlines from the upper catwalks -Converted many upper wooden supports from func_brushes to models -Reduced amount of...
  3. Rocksalt V5

    V5 -Created LODs for all custom rock slab models to reduce resources on Low/Medium model detail -Set LODs to remove normal maps on custom rock slab models to reduce resources on Low/Medium model detail -Converted func_brushes to func_details...