
- Opened up skyboxes
- Widened some places
- Made several changes that are too minor to be worth mentioning

Stage 1:
- Connected lower middle with the capture point
- Reduced cap time by 1 second
- Adjusted health and ammo packs

Stage 2:
- Shortened the path from the non-cave flank spawn door
- Pushed the cave flank further away from the point
- Brightened the cave flank

- Fixed right BLU spawn door not opening in stage 2

- Removed old stage 2, added a new one

- Reverted changes to stage 1 from the last update and made new ones
-- Slightly expanded the back flank outside area
-- Made several changes that are too minor to be mentioned

- Added stage 2
-- Control point in stage 2 unlocks from the start and is captured by the winner of stage 1

- Widened an entrance to the control point building in stage 1

- Extended control point area in stage 1

- Connected lowest end of the cliff with the point in stage 1

- Added more space and cover to middle in stage 1

- Adjusted health and ammo packs in stage 1

- Brightened the dark room in stage 1

- Visually simplified spawns in stage 1

- Improved bot support in stage 1

- Improved optimization in stage 1

- Made a lot of changes that are too unimportant to be worth mentioning

- Added better bot support

- Adjusted health and ammo packs

- Made some changes that are too unimportant to be worth mentioning

- Reduced time to cap the point by 1 second

- Changed entrance to middle from low ground route

- Pushed the staircase forward in the back flank

- Adjusted health and ammo packs

- Added more space and cover to some places

- Fixed a bug that caused the sound before unlocking the point to not be played

- Made some changes that are too unimportant to be worth mentioning
- Changed the version string

- Reduced respawn time to minimum

- Set timer length to 1 minute

- Reduced time to cap the point by 1 second

- Capturing the point doesn’t change the spawn times now

- Added a medium health pack in the back flank by the point

- Added a staircase leading to the point in the back flank

- Added more space and cover to some places

- Made a lot of changes that are too unimportant to be worth mentioning
Uploaded .BSP file instead of .VMF from the last update
-Increased timer length by 1 minute

-Removed a medium health pack on the Blu side that should have been removed in the last update

-Made several optimization changes

-Made some miscellaneous changes that are too subtle to be worth mentioning
- Decreased spawn time by 7 seconds for both teams on all occasions

- Replaced rock prop with the normal rock on the lowest end of the cliff

- Removed health pack in the middle building

- Removed health packs and ammo packs near the spawn exits

- Added small health packs for both teams near the entrance to the middle building

- Added a medium health pack and a medium ammo pack at the lowest end of the cliff

- Made changes to some miscellaneous things that were confusing for some players

- Made some miscellaneous changes that are too minor to be worth mentioning