Yup, I had lost interest, but now it's out before the hard deadline!

--Added... The skybox! Yay!

--Added annotations during setup that explain a few things, it's still cheesy and not the best idea, but it should make people less confused.

--There was an area of void I've been considering using in stage 3, now it serves as blu's forward spawn after the checkpoint.

--Created a sloped opening into the blu-leftside caves from outside, removed the health pack by the planks and moved the plants closer to the cart.

--The control Point has a hologram now so you can clearly see it.

--Removed the flank route in stage 2 that allowed blue to access the middle ramp near the water (on blu's side). Also removed the 1-way door on the other side.

--Removed the elevator outside Stage 2 forward spawn (red) and replaced it with a slope, you can now reenter that forward spawn through the upper access as it's no longer one way.

--Removed annotations when you cap Stage 2-1

--EDIT: Repacked this time! Down by 40MBs!

I think that's about it, I really only did most of this in small bursts and spent like, 20 days not working on it. So I may have missed some things
--Added... a 3rd exit for blu in stage 1, and 2 flanks on the left sides of the stage (from blu's perspective)

--Moved items and changed amount of some.
--red has a longer respawn time for most of the map.
--fixed stage 3's final point not showing up on the hud properly
--made ALOT of areas use a higher light map scale (Hunk overflow error, ugh)

--fixed a major bug where the cart blocker in stage 2 moved the wrong way; making the map unbeatable for blu
--the pillars in red's nexus are now models
--fixed a displacement hole in stage 1
--changed/added some vmf's to fix missing bumpmaps

--fixed very steep clips
--added a small metal blocker to make sure blu has to have the control point to win stage 2; sorry, I couldn't find a work around.
--added crates around red's flank route to reach the control point in stage 2 to prevent a cheap sentrygun placement.

--added missing entities for stage 3's 2nd red spawn
--added stairs outside that spawn
--same spawn vanishes after point 3-2 is taken, turning it into a normal flank route that both teams can use
--changed a few textures in places.

--I havn't tested this version ingame yet. Hopefully it functions properly


*stuff I did in previous updates and forget to list*

A4: added clips around blu's first spawn so your camera doesn't click into the boards
A4: changed lighting a bit in stage 1 to make it less orange and team jarring
right, I'm going to ignore being told "I'm too lazy to finish the map" or "I don't care about it" in feedback from now on. Please reframe from pressing this lie onto others, thank you kindly.

--spotlighted the red nexus, changed some models, and removed a few things, it should look better now.
--patched sentry spot
--added clips to ledges that couldn't be walked or jumped up that should be.
--red's spawn was entirely moved, it is now on the other side of the fence at the end of stage 1
--added trigger brushes to doorways to make absolute sure they cannot be shot though anymore
--added a few medpacks, one in the right flank at the start of stage 1, and another in red's former spawn in stage 1
--blu has some more time in stage 1, red's respawn time increased, blu's changed a little.
-removed a few more entities that I felt wern't needed

Welp here it is, I took my time with this one, trying to get it right and working. (Hitting limits everywhere too lol) But the map should be playable from start to finish now!

--Added... Stage 3!
--Added flank to the right side of the 2nd of stage 2
--Added 1-way door flank for red in stage 2 to get back to the control point and backcap
--Added custom particles to indicate water is dangerous
--Did small artpasses in some areas
--added and altered pickups in flank routes in stage 2
--custom models! Or well, the archway brushes in stage 1 turned into a model, I mostly did this to get around the Tjunc limit, but I plan to covert more brushes to models during the artpass phase.

--Changed stage 1: the boards can no longer be broken by enemy attacks, instead the cart breaks them by ramming into them, the cart's speed is 50% during before this and 70% afterwords; blu gets more starting time to compensate for this.
--optimized player spawns, there are no never more than 40 spawns active per round!
--changed other some pickups around the map
--pretty much redid all the lighting

--Removed Red's first spawn in stage 1 (was redundent with how small stage 1 is and how close it was to the 2nd spawn, which is now the first spawn)
--Removed, alot, of lighting effects, to lower the entity count in the map, sigh...

the largest bug I know of right now is if red still holds the control point when blue takes the final point in stage 2, the round doesn't end, and the cart can desync. The player spawns are moved when the 3rd checkpoint in stage 2 is capped, so the map will completely break if this happens. I have yet to find a fix for it.


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Yup, I've finally done it, stage 2 is now in a playable state!
I've gone much softer on details this time around so layout changes shouldn't be a problem.

As for other things:

--Fixed numerious bugs reported from the last imp playtest (added clipping to stairs, walls, practically everywhere it should have been; adjusted stage 1 time limits and greatly reduced red's respawn time)
--Leak-proofed the map, no more need for cordons! Should improve FPS.
--Added a side room before going under the bridge in stage 1, there's a med ammo pack inside.
--checkpoint model at the 2nd checkpoint in stage 2, there's lights instead of a hologram.


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