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pl_roofrack _b2a

All of the cool ideas I've ever had for a TF2 map, collected into one package for the Rule of Threes

Formerly pl_yeswhere.
In keeping with the spirit of the Rule of Threes Major Contest, it contains three gimmicks:
1) A weird cart shape resembling the Tower from Splatoon
2) A weird highground connector between A and B that RED initially use to hold A but then BLU uses to attack B
3) A weird slow-opening door that gates B and C, giving RED time to set up a temporary forward hold before C, thereby delaying BLU from reaching C and improving their own chances of winning.

Shoutouts to @Rexy for making the Kangaroo Cutout and New Rocks Pack and Forklift
and @Void for making the Dusk Till Dawn Skyboxes, from which I used sky_fever_01
and @EArkham for making the Snowycoast Assets
First release
Last update

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  1. B2A - bugfix

    -fixed the cart outline rendering behind the roofrack and cage, thereby becoming invisible -clipped a large nonsolid crane and attempted to use hints to stop it rendering from the other side of the A -> B building -further trimmed back the evil...
  2. B2 - Guess this is the final version?? For real this time??

    Change | Reasoning increased RED's respawn wave time when defending A from 6 seconds to 8 seconds | added back the fence at the tower over A that stops sentries built there from seeing the cart path | moved the health and ammo in the boardwalk...
  3. B1 - The Rule of Threes version (or the one before it)

    Did I ever tell you that I built this map for the Rule of Threes Major Contest? Well, here's the version I'm probably gonna submit to said contest, if all goes well. Change | Reasoning gave every area on the map a quick art-pass | attempted...

Latest reviews

The map is pretty fun and i really like the splatoon payload
Honestly a cool idea, the beginning area has a very "gold rush-ish" feel as its a little cramped getting through that first area and i played it 3 times and started to get a pretty good grasp of the map. from these first couple of playtests with bots, they got stuck on a few areas and on the third cap they kept trying to get into the resupply area, which i assume there is an NPC Clip there and its just the nav mesh acting up as it does quite a bit lmao (i know from experience). Over all i like the feel of the map from the first few playtests. Although my only complaint is that i got stuck like 3 times from the cart pushing me into a prop or the ground and crushing me because of the "cage" around the cart, My only thought would be to raise the top of the cage by like 16 or so units, anything higher seems a bit extreme. Over all very good for its beginning stages, 4.1/5 easily.