PASS Time Goal Signs

PASS Time Goal Signs v2

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PASS Time Goal Signs v2

A set of neutral and team-colored signs indicating PASS Time goals

These helpful PASS Time signs indicate what kind of goal is nearby, allowing players to better understand what to do with the JACK.

Includes three different sets of signs for Throw-In goals, Run-In goals, and Bonus goals. Each set has grey, red, and blue variants.

To install, drag the materials folder into steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf and merge it with the existing materials foldier (if it exists). Or if you want you can put it in your custom folder. Or if you really, really want, you could- look, you do you here.

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This was definitely made for new player who are playing passtime
The signs fit the gamemode astonishingly well.
Absolutely ESSENTIAL tool for anyone looking to make a PASS Time map. Nice and clean!