
mvm_koth_cauldron B2

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mvm_koth_cauldron B2

MVM version of koth_bagel_event (also known as koth_cauldron)

I'm back with yet another conversion! This time, a pretty special one, as it is the MVM-KOTH version of koth_cauldron, a Scream Fortress map, with all of the special and unique mechanics that that implies! RED team has entered a deal with Merasmus to receive temporary control over the Underworld in exchange for kicking those pesky robots out of his property!
Battle hordes of robots, both in the Underworld and in the overworld, and prevent them from destroying Merasmus' Spell Cauldron!

As this is a Halloween map, along with the usual test mission I've decided to include Wave 666. As always, giants, tanks, engies and snipers are compatible with this map. On another note, this time, instead of having a dispenser in your spawn, you will have a full ammo pack and a health kit.
First release
Last update
Mann Vs. Machine

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  1. Beta 2

    Changelog: - Restored the Underworld. - Reworked RED and BLU spawns according to original map plans. - Added relay_portal_open. - Added relay_tip. - Fixed a long-standing bug with missing class icons for the test mission.