Maple Falls

Maple Falls a7c

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Maple Falls a7c

A 4CP made by Lacry

Fight in a greenhouse or a pond, during autumn!

It’s a linear 4CP, set on a maple forest. Made for the 72 Hour Jam 2020.

-Lacry: Map​
-Muddy: 4CP Mode​
-Berry: Autumnal Pack​
-Exactol: Leaf Particles​
First release
Last update
Previous 72hr Entries

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Latest updates

  1. Packed custom content

    Changelog -Packed custom content -Made some minor adjustments
  2. The B update

    Changelog -Made more clear the way to B -Also added new route to B -Reduced health and ammo kits around middle -Changed respawn times
  3. Some mistakes, but less annoying

    Changelog -Added new icons for the HUD -Just minor changes, mostly just quality of life improvements Based on the feedback I got, it seems C is the biggest issue right now, some people say it's too hard to capture and others say it's too hard...