
LD3_Washout a3

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LD3_Washout a3

A compact take on 5cp with dynamic map elements

Developed as part of a Source level design jam in a Patreon discord server, with the theme being "Five Rooms"

Washout is a 5CP map set in a dusty desert compound, that trades the usual sprawl of 5cp maps for a more compact layout that shifts depending on point control. Inspired by cp_Steel's dynamic routes, I aimed to create a map that had the feel of a KOTH map, but evolved as players took and lost ground - unlocking a bridge to mid on capturing the centre point, closing flank routes when taking an opponent's forward point.
First release
Last update
Symmetrical CP

Latest updates

  1. Alpha 3

    - Dramatically reworked mid to feature two "bunkers", and pits connecting mid to an expanded big health underpass - Flank fields dramatically expanded - Bulletproof glass on base-facing windows at B and D. - [EXPERIMENTAL] removed the front...
  2. Playable Alpha 2

    A small update from the previous (unversioned) build with a few small changes - Spawn Door gaps closed - Ramp removed from battlements - textures on cliffs