
koth_sandsweep a11

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koth_sandsweep a11

An Upward themed koth map, originally for the 72hr summer jam.

I made Sandsweep for the 72 hour jam with the goal of making a fully working map that wasn't overscaled like the one I made before it.
I failed.

UPDATE- Slowly getting back into tf2 and mapping, so decided to remake this one and see how it goes. It's probs horrid.

- Added a flank over the death pit at the back of the map, connecting the two teams cave routes
- Main route out of spawn thinned
- General clipping/ geometry smoothing
- Lighting in caves tweaked
- Rock lighting fixed
- Areaportals!

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First release
Last update
King of the Hill

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Latest updates

  1. a11 update

    a11: - Added a flank over the death pit at the back of the map, connecting the two teams cave routes - Main route out of spawn thinned - General clipping/ geometry smoothing - Lighting in caves tweaked - Rock lighting fixed - Areaportals!
  2. No changes, just needed to pack the map properly.

    And so it is packed.
  3. a10 update after a couple years

    Been slowly getting back into making maps and playing TF2- Decided to work on an old map I never really completed. A10 is pretty simular in layout to A9, but has been rebuilt from scratch and is hopefully scaled much better, and is thus much...