
Koth_orange v2 a1

So I've been hard at work trying to fix the issues that a few people have pointed out to me. Mainly how strong Soldier is on this version of orange, since it's so vertical. I did make an Alpha 4 version, but in the end I thought it best to start over from scratch essentially and work around this issue. So, here is Version 2!

Despite my best efforts, I'm anticipating similar complaints even with this new version. This might just have to be something I'll have to except about the map, since it's extremely vertical by deign, and is what makes the map fun in the first place for me.

To be completely honest, I'm kinda getting burnt out on mapping for the moment and given that I dont think people are warming to this concept. I might scrap it if too many problems come from this version. However, if that does happen, I will probably revert it to it's original 5 cp game mode and work around that instead. I have some ideas already, so we'll see how this goes.
This is a big one

I got much more feedback this time around and it was super helpful, so thanks to everyone who gave me some helpful criticisms!

Here's what's changed

-Totally changed the spawns. Spawns themselves are split into two spaces still but they are connected by one spawn area and have easy access to all exits. (They are very close but I did this to spread out the players a little more, shouldn't effect gameplay much.)

-New exits.

-New geometry.

-Big sightlines blocked

-More detailing (couldn't help myself lol)

-Fixed some bad displacements

-Simplified and removed some areas

-Added tone mapping.

-Changed cap timer to three minuets

-Removed capture based respawn times. (Now you should just respawn in 15 seconds no matter what)


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I have added a fair few new things to hopefully make the game-feel better

-added some textures and props here and there to make it not look so much like a generic orange sh!t post map (lol)

-some new jumpy spots and perches

-more lighting around the place

-signage for exits and cap point routs

-door and window frames to the main building (so that it's easier to see that they are there)

Pretty minor changes but since the first test for it made people immediately want to skip it on first glance, I think some visual changes were needed, just to show that there is something to the map. Usually these things wouldn't be done on a second Alpha but I think given the context it was important to do.