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Koth_moontown B1

Halloween koth map

TF2 - KOTH - Halloween themed map

The map has:
- Ghost
- Exploding pumpkins
- Control point healer (new) (experimental)

The timer is currently set to 5 mins.

On map load, there will be a bunch of VPHYSICS errors, ignore them.

Control point healer

This is a new experimental feature for this map. It's designed to spice
up the rounds by giving advantage to the activator team.

- 15 seconds of +33 hp/sec (roughly) + ammo refill
- the effect is only for activator team.
- There's a 5 second delay before activation
- Particles will indicate the effect
- 40 sec cooldown after activation

Activate cp healer

Go in the white "portals" under the cp, go trough the rooms and into the other white portal. (The last room deals damage)
First release
Last update
King of the Hill