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koth_monopoly v1fix

Double the fun with the combination of Monopoly and King of the Hill!

What is koth_monopoly?

koth_monopoly is a Koth map with a luck element, besides the normal koth play pattern, there will be positive and negative events that affect teams. so "koth_monopoly will decide your fate" ... (get it?)

Just like regular monopoly, dice can be rolled and "pawns" played. The dice of that team will be rolled as soon as any team takes the checkpoint, and after that, the dice of one blue team and one red team will be rolled every 30 seconds and will continue until the round is over.

Dice Logic in the Game

The dice will explode a few seconds after the roll and 1-6 points will come out, when that number is released the pawn will jump that number, the event where the pawn stands under the last jump will occur.

For example, the Blue team threw the dice and got 5, it will jump 4 frames first, the event in which it stopped occurs on the last (ie 5th) jump.

Propertys Logic in the game
Properties works like this in Original Monopoly, at first all Properties have no owner, but players can buy these Properties with their money, they can make money from there when the player owns the Property, already the main thing that makes the monopoly is "Propertys". if an opponent lands on the other player's property, he will pay him as a penalty.

It works differently on this map:

Since there is no money system on this map, all the properts are free. If the team pawn lands on the property, they put the team sentry there. thus making the gameplay a little interesting.

There are lots of Properties from Brown to Blue and the next color properties create stronger sentries

Example: Brown Properties build level 1 sentries while Greens build Level 3 sentries!!

ALSO: Engineers can approach and adopt friendly sentries, so they can move them and use them for themselves!

Event logic in game

Now we come to non-property fields, let's explain how they work:

Ammo Box: if the team pawn hovers over the Ammo Box, it spawns a random "Ammo Box" field with a box full of ammo, and only the field team can use it.

Control Point Tax: if any team pawn lands on it, the state takes the control point from 2 teams for 60 seconds (i.e. the control point is locked)

Support Train: If the team pawn lands on it, it makes a Cart that hovers around the map and only contributes Ammo and Health to the team that purchased it.

Roll the Dice again: if the team pawn lands on it, that team's dice is rolled again.

Free parking: Everyone should have a free parking and relax, right? (this thing does nothing)

Go to Spawn Point: if the team pawn lands on it, that team will be locked in their spawn room for 30 seconds, as a penalty.

Hospital: if the team pawn lands on this, that team builds a hospital on the edge of the map and only that team can use it, the hospital is full of health packs, Scouts cannot steal life packs anymore!

Power-up Factory: if the team pawn lands on it, that team builds a Power-up factory on the edge of the map and only that team can use, there are 3 power-ups inside the power-up factory that affect the wearer for 30 seconds, and After 30 seconds, the power-up regenerates itself.

Debt: if any team gets over this, both teams lose all their weapons except melee, then Resupplies and then cosmetics for 1 minute!

The starting point: where the pawns begin, if a team turns their pawn and comes here again, that team wins the critical pay for 15 seconds!

The greatest event: Chance!

and here we are my favorite event: Chance!

In normal monopoly, if the player gets over it, he draws a random card and that card either gives the player something positive or something negative is up to his luck.

This is the case in this map, but instead of a card, a dice called "Chance Dice" is thrown, that dice explodes after a few seconds and a negative or positive event will occur that will affect all players!

what could it be? Lava Floor, early pay, Monoculus ???

who knows.

Playable with bots!


Nav file can be found in Gamebanana, download in there

That's right, you can play this map with bots! but know that there are some problems with bots:

- Bots can sometimes get stuck at one point

- Bots refuse to enter Hospitals and Power-up Factories

- In the Debt effect, some bots do T-Pose.

- Bots can do something stupid sometimes.

Have fun with playing koth_monopoly!
First release
Last update
King of the Hill

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  1. v1Fix

    -Fixed Dice(s) not rolling every 30 seconds if the BLU team cap control point first.