
72hr Jam 2023 koth_industrial_park a2

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72hr Jam 2023 koth_industrial_park a2

Large KotH map with a walled-in point and an in-the-rough Industrial Theme.

First started playing with Hammer over three years ago, but didn't end up sticking with it, so I took the 72-hour Jam as an excuse to get back acquainted with the process.

Had a lot of fun making it; not sure if anyone will have as much playing it—it's a bit big and I got pretty hap-hazard with the pickup locations toward the end there. There is a decent amount of verticality, though.
First release
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King of the Hill

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  1. a2 (Post Jam)

    I likely spent too much time prettying up the map before it's been tested but, that's most of what I did. I also added an underwater area under the point where the two teams can meet, as well general tweaks to try to make the map more navigable.