
koth_hotrock a2

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koth_hotrock a2

Don't worry, I playerclipped the rocks so you won't get stuck.

Hotrock Basin, so named because the rocks were hot, is home to two competing visitor centers. Turns out they were both secretly hauling in machinery to extract Australium from the vast reserves underneath the central control point. Here's where you come in! Your fight determines the team that will rise, victorious, to claim the priceless Australium. Also because fighting is fun.

The main point is surrounded by two symmetrical buildings, with a unique double balcony that encourages fast-paced combat both on the point and in the stairway room. The train rooms are great for engineer hideouts and as a place to restock on health and ammo. The rest of the map is good for snipers. Seriously, it's basically one giant sight-line. The rocks can only do so much.
First release
Last update
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Latest updates

  1. Added one-way door, changed train room a bit, and fixed minor bugs.

    * Added a one-way door on the right-side flank route. * Added another traincar to the train room; blocked long sight line. * Other minor bugfixes.